Well howdy, Jobs With Justice…

My name is Donald “DJ” Mirisola. I hope you like what you see…

So… here’s what I do.

I’m a technical multimedia creator with a passion for projects with strong social messages. With a background in both Audio Visual Engineering and Digital Storytelling, I combine the solutions of A/V with the creativity of Film. I reside in Maryland and I love merging new technology with video and audio. I’m hungry for knowledge and I’m excited about all aspects of audio visual integration, film production and new emerging A/V Technologies.

Here’s some projects I think the Jobs With Justice team might like:

What is Food Insecurity?

Originally created for the show MC in Focus, this animation was created using using open source .mogrt templates and Character Animator rigs. I used this project to showcase and highlight the power of design and merging elements to tell a story. I wrote, directed, produced and edited the final piece. The final piece ended up using Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Character Animator.


The Black Girl

Hand Games Project

Created for the Smithsonian Institute’s Folklife Festival, I collaborated with a small team to create piece. Filmed over 1 day, the final project was completed in less than 48 hours. The BGHG Project is all about teaching young women of color in Washington D.C. concepts like safe touch and empowerment through old school hand games like Miss Mary Mac.

I was in charge of all aspects of production, but I am particularly happy with the post production. I completely edited this piece using the Adobe Creative Suite. All video editing was done in Premiere with the Audio mix being done in Audition. Audio had to be heavily mixed to reduce and remove a large scale Go-Go music workshop in the background of the interview. The final product became the most viewed video for 2019’s Folklife Festival created by MCTV.

TBD Immersive:

Cabaret Rising

This was such a unique production. I was in charge of the audio production. Created as an “Immersive Theater” event, I was given an extremely shoe string budget. I had to manage a small audio install team, engineer entire workflow drawings and commission the entire production in less than an 8 hour period. In the end 24 recycled ceiling speakers were installed across the entire 55,000 sq. ft. Dupont Underground Art Gallery. Along with several separate remote speaker systems within a moving trolley train car. For more information about this project, check out my write up on the experience.


Still curious?