Well howdy, WJLA (Sinclair)

My name is Donald Mirisola. I hope you like what you see…

So… here’s what I do.

I’m a technical creator with a passion for large scale projects. With a background in both Audio Visual Engineering and Digital Storytelling, I combine the solutions of A/V with the creativity of Film. I reside in Maryland and I love merging new technology with video and audio. I’m hungry for knowledge and I’m excited about all aspects of audio visual integration, film production and new emerging A/V Technologies.

Here’s some projects I think the WJLA team might like:

Montgomery College Commercial

This major state wide commercial saw play on both major local networks and managed social media ads (including Instagram, Twitter & Facebook). I assisted as a P.A. for this project and handled talent on set and worked as assistant camera man. I prepped all materials and assisted on all aspects of productions.


Mi Escuela es su Escuela

This production was produced in both english and spanish separately during tapings. I was in charge of questions, host and talent management as well as camera operation. During several episodes I ran and prepped the teleprompter. This program sees extensive play on Channel 10 and is a staple program of MCTV’s lineup. I assisted in 10-15 episodes of the this show’s production.

Though Spanish is not a language I am fluent in, I consistently worked on learning enough to assist the guests and make them comfortable.

EFP-TV: Montgomery College

Produced for MCTV, I wrote and produced all of the voice overs, anchor shots and created the design for the “live studio.” I managed all camera equipment and directed the main day of production. I assisted in the writing, editing and filming of most of the feature packages.


Still curious?