Well howdy, Newsy team…

My name is Donald Mirisola. I hope you like what you see…

So… here’s what I do.

I’m a technical creator with a passion for large scale projects. With a background in both Audio Visual Engineering and Digital Storytelling, I combine the solutions of A/V with the creativity of Film. I have an extensive background in post news and studio production. I have edited together both feature and in studio segments. I reside in Maryland and I love merging new technology with video and audio. I’m hungry for knowledge and I’m excited about all aspects of audio visual integration, film production and new emerging A/V Technologies.

Here’s some projects I think the Newsy team might like:

What is Food Insecurity?- Animation

Originally created for the show MC in Focus, this animation was created using almost entirely free plugins, .mogrts and Character Animator rigs. I used this project to showcase and highlight the power of design and merging elements to tell a story. I wrote, directed, produced and edited the final piece. The final piece ended up using Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Character Animator.


The Black Girl Hand Games Project

Created for the Smithsonian Institute’s Folklife Festival, I collaborated with a small team to create piece. Filmed over 1 day, the final project was completed in less than 48 hours.

I was in charge of all aspects of production, but I am particularly happy with the post production. I completely edited this piece using the Adobe Creative Suite. All video editing was done in Premiere with the Audio mix being done in Audition. Audio had to be heavily mixed to reduce and remove a large scale Go-Go music workshop in the background of the interview. The final product became the most viewed video for 2019’s Folklife Festival created by MCTV.

Black Box Player’s Coffeehouse.

Created for MCTV Channel 10, this feature news package was completely written, directed and edited by me. This piece was completely created within Adobe Premiere and the audio was produced and mixed within Adobe Audition.


Still curious?