Well howdy, Hearst Television,

My name is Donald Mirisola. I hope you like what you see…

So… here’s what I do.

I’m a technical creator with a passion for large scale projects. With a background in both Audio Visual Engineering and Digital Storytelling, I combine the solutions of A/V with the creativity of Film. I reside in West Palm Beach, Florida and I love finding new and interesting ways to show true and honest stories. I’m hungry for knowledge and I’m excited about all aspects of journalism, film production and new emerging A/V Technologies.

Here’s some projects I think the Hearst team might like:

Montgomery College Commercial

This major state wide commercial saw play on both major local networks and managed social media ads (including Instagram, Twitter & Facebook). I assisted as a Production Assistant for this project and handled talent on set and worked as assistant camera man. I was also in charge of the set up and break down of all equipment. I prepped all materials and assisted on all aspects of this multi-day production.


Mi Escuela es su Escuela

This production was produced in both english and spanish separately during tapings. I was in charge of questions, host and talent management as well as camera operation. During several episodes I ran and prepped the teleprompter. This program sees extensive play on Channel 10 and is a staple program of MCTV’s lineup. I assisted in 10-15 episodes of the this show’s production.

Though Spanish is not a language I am fluent in, I consistently worked on learning enough to assist the guests and make them comfortable.

EFP-TV: Montgomery College

Produced for MCTV, I wrote and produced all of the voice overs, anchor shots and created the design for the “live studio.” I managed all camera equipment and directed the main day of production. I assisted in the writing, editing and filming of most of the feature packages.


Graduating COVID

Created entirely by myself, this production was done for MCTV’s Student Producer Documentary Competition. This project was a personal story for me as I went out to explore what resources are available for recent graduates like myself in Montgomery County. This was filmed on a Panasonic GH5 with the interviews being recorded via Zoom. Motion graphics were created in Adobe Premiere, Adobe AfterEffects and CreateStudio. This documentary was eventually picked up and used for MCTV’s Outlook Montgomery Program.

Still curious?